
To learn more or register to receive a sacrament through St. Columban Church, please contact the Parish Office.

Baptism serves as the first sacrament one receives when entering the Catholic Faith. It is a sacrament of initiation (which you can only receive one time), meaning once you received it, you officially enter into the body of Christ, the Catholic Church. The recipient receives justifying and sanctifying grace when baptized, and the Holy Spirit begins to dwell within them. To schedule, please contact the parish office.

The sacrament of confession is offered 30 minutes before each Mass or any time by appointment (contact the Rectory). Performing an examination of conscience prior to confession enables a most complete and fulfilling act of this important sacrament. Examples of different examinations of conscience can be found here.

Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the one who is confirmed (confirmandi) receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hands and anointing with Sacred Chrism by the bishop. For youth confirmation classes, please contact Dorion and Maggie Moore for more information:

First Holy Communion is the first time a Catholic receives the Eucharist. While receiving the Eucharist is a Sacrament each time it is received in our lifetime, Catholics celebrate the first time this is done as a part of a special ceremony and a memorable, important part of our lives! First Communion is typically celebrated in the second grade after one has completed their first confession. For children of age who are not enrolled at the school, please contact the parish office to schedule the required instructional classes.

We look forward to your joyous wedding celebration at St. Columban! Please Note: no wedding dates will be set on the church calendar until the couple meets with Father in person. The policy of our Diocese is that there must be a nine-month waiting period during which time marriage preparation takes place. The nine month period begins with the personal meeting with the pastor. Holy Matrimony is a sacrament; and as with any sacrament, there is a time of preparation.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements or with any questions regarding the policies of our cemetery.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Interested in learning more about the Catholic Church or joining the Church? Classes are held beginning in the Fall and ending with the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil each year. Before beginning the classes, a meeting with the pastor is required. Please contact the parish office to schedule a meeting or learn more!